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Meet a Teacher: Tschol Slade, Middle School

Meet a Teacher: Tschol Slade, Middle School

Meet a Teacher: Tschol Slade, Middle School
Other Blackbaud

Hometown: Marshfield
Education: Babson College and Cincinnati Montessori Secondary Teacher Education Program (CMSTEP)
Started at Inly: 2007
Favorite thing about Inly: We teach children to be full people, not just good students.
Favorite teaching material: We don’t use traditional Montessori materials in Middle School; our ‘materials’ would be our field studies—Internships, Model UN, sailing a schooner, rowing, running a pizza business, etc.
Favorite subject to teach and why: I teach a lot of math, which I love. But the best teaching moments rarely happen in a formal lesson. They happen in all the spaces in between where you can respond to something real that’s happening with a probing question that stops students in their tracks.
Favorite TV Show/Movie: The Big Lebowski
Favorite Book: Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls
Favorite Animal: Bear
Favorite Food: Seafood
Favorite Snack/Candy: Wasabi Peas
Go-to Karaoke Song: Suspicious Minds
Favorite Sports Team: Patriots
Favorite Hobby: Skiing
Favorite song to sing in the car by yourself: Bruce Springsteen’s “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out”

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Meet a Teacher: Tschol Slade, Middle School