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Sixth-Grade Capstone Showcases Critical Thinking and Creativity

Sixth-Grade Capstone Showcases Critical Thinking and Creativity

Sixth-Grade Capstone Showcases Critical Thinking and Creativity

UE Capstone is the culmination of all the research, writing, and critical thinking sixth-grade students have done over the course of their elementary years.

Capstone also prepares students for the type of thinking and writing that is typical in middle school, secondary school, and beyond. 

The Capstone process begins in late fall when students brainstorm individual questions about multiple topics and select an appropriate, sustainable question and thesis to pursue throughout the year. 

Examples of past topics include:

  • Creating a cooking or sewing business
  • Organizing a dance recital
  • Painting several works of art in different styles
  • Examining the future potential of different technologies, such as wireless power and forensic animation. 

Once students decide on a topic, they begin meeting each week for direct instruction on elements of research, communication, expository writing, and creative expression. 

Throughout the 7-month process, students learn:

  • How to pose an open-ended question based on a subject of importance or high interest to them
  • Perform in-depth research and interviews
  • Develop a specific thesis
  • Write a focused, comprehensive essay that supports their thesis
  • Creatively present their learning and ideas in front of an audience

With the help of a teacher advisor, students are also responsible for developing a weekly plan that allows for both classwork and Capstone work—a valuable skill in time management that will serve them well in secondary school and beyond.

The finished Capstone projects are thoughtful and creative—true examples of Inly’s Montessori+ curriculum in action. The projects may include models, experiments, music, dance, sculpture, painting, and a variety of other expressions and representations of the thesis.

Students will showcase their projects on Wednesday, April 17, from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. The UE Capstone projects will be displayed in conjunction with CH–LE Teach Your Family Night—a school-wide Student Showcase event that provides families with an opportunity to learn more about Inly’s Montessori+ curriculum.

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Sixth-Grade Capstone Showcases Critical Thinking and Creativity